Обособленное подразделение Федерального государственного бюджетного учреждения науки

Федерального исследовательского центра

«Кольский научный центр Российской академии наук»

Институт химии и технологии редких элементов и минерального сырья им. И.В.Тананаева


14.02.2025. Сегодня состоялась успешная защита диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата технических наук Цырятьевой Анны Васильевны. >>




Адрес: 184209, Мурманская обл., г. Апатиты, ул.Академгородок, д. 26а.
Тел.: (81555) 79-549, 75-295.
Факс: (81555) 61-658, 76-425.
Эл. почта: chemi-office@ksc.ru

The laboratory of chemical and optic methods of analysis (№ 32)

Head of laboratory: Skiba Galina Stepanovna, Ph.D.(Engineering)

Tel: (81555) 79-550, 79-742.

E-mail: g.skiba@ksc.ru

Number of the staff: 27 (including 4 research associates, 4 candidates of science)

Trends of research:

  • methods for analyzing the locally occurring mineral raw materials and products of their processing, pure metals, alloys and compounds. Express methods for collective and selective extraction of metals from natural water, industrial and municipal waste water;
  • about 60 elements, including platinum metals and REE, can be analyzed. The available equipment includes: various spectrophotometers, chromatographs, polarographs, express-analyzers for hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, spectrographs for analysis of substances with elementary and complex spectra, western and Russian spectrometers for atom-absorption analysis with flame-plasma and electothermic atomization;
  • on the request of the Murmansk regional Committee for Ecology and Natural Resources, methods for sorptional concentration of water microcomponents by polyacrylonitrile fibres have been developed and realized at laboratories of the Lovozero Mining Company, Olenegorsk mechanical works, Apatity TPP, and TEKOS state-owned heat and power plant (Murmansk).

Unique equipment, units:

  • atom-absorption spectrophotometer with graphite print, model HGA 4100 (Perkin Elmer , USA);
  • atom-emission spectrometer with induction-coupled plasma, Plasma 400;
  • chromato-mass spectrometer GCMS-QP2010 (Shimadzu, Japan);
  • emission spectrometer ICPS-9000 (Shimadzu, Japan);
  • mass-spectrometry system with induction-coupled plasma (ISP-MS) with a dynamic reaction system ELAN 9000 DRC-e (Perkin Elmer) including systems of laser evaporation, microwave decomposition, and water and acid purification;
  • a Kvant-2A atom-absorption spectrometer with a hydrogenation attachment, a flow-block for sample preparation for sorptional concentration;
  • a Kvant AFA atom-absorption fluorescent spectrometer.

Leading researchers:

  • Drogobuzhskaya S.V., Ph.D. (Chemistry),
  • Novikov A.I.,
  • Shirokaya A.A.
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