Tananaev Institute of Chemistry - Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre

«Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences»

Science Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences


The laboratory of chemistry and technology of refractory rare element raw materials (№ 21)

Head of laboratory: Nikolaev Anatoly Ivanovich, Dr.Sc. (Engineering)

Tel: (81555) 79-582.

E-mail: a.nikolaev@ksc.ru


Number of the staff: 14 (including 8 research associates, 2 doctors and 5 candidates of science).

Trends of research:

  • direct synthesis on the basis of multicomponent aqueous systems of compounds with mixed acidoligands – fluorosulfato-, fluorophosphato-, fluorooxolatometallates of the IV group elements with mono- and bivalent cations;
  • studies into regularities of structural and chemical transformations occurring in calcium- and magnesium-bearing silicates, titanosilicate (i.e. titanite) and rare-earth titanoniobates ( i.e. perovskite and loparite) during mechanical activation;
  • development and introduction of hydrometallurgical flow sheets for titanium and rare-metal minerals processing yielding titanium dioxide, composite pigments, including nacreous pigments, sorbents, niobium and tantalum compounds, as well as side products for the building and other industries;
  • development of methods for mineral acidic decomposition, synthesis of composite functional materials of the shell structure, crystallization of titanium compounds, solvent-extractional separation of close in properties rare elements. Creating a physical and chemical basis for developing production operations.

The main trends of research aimed at developing engineering solutions for the processing of mineral raw materials, including technogenic ones, include

  • norganic pigments, fillers and sorbents from mineral and technogenic raw materials, including concentrates (loparite, perovskite, sphene, titanomagnetite, ilmenite), spent catalysts (chromium-aluminium, cobalt-molybdenum-aluminium, titanoaluminium), dressing wastes of the apatite-nepheline ore process, special magnets, ash of thermal power plants, etc. Large-scale trials are being carried out at the pilot plant ‘Pigment’, JSC Apatit. All the products synthesized are supplied with user guides issued by specialized organizations. Specifications for the products are being developed and approved. The methods of production and application of most of the pigments, fillers, and sorbents are protected by patents and author’s certificates;
  • conventional and novel welding materials, primarily from sources available in Kola and Karelia, including micas (muscovite and phlogopite), olivinite, forsterite, diopside, dunite, sungulyte, dolomite, quartz, feldspar, sphene, titanomagnetite, and titanium slag, etc. Systematic research into properties of the materials, their chemical conditioning, radiation level, producing of experimental and pilot-scale batches meeting the GOST requirements, as well as developing (jointly with the Prometey production association) of compositions for electrode coating. The technology of chemical conditioning of components is protected by an RF patent;
  • titanium, titano-aluminium, titano-zirconium and other tanning agents, neutralizing substances for the tanning industry. Production of experimental batches. Generating the data for setting up experimental production. The technology is protected by RF patents;
  • fire-retarding agents for wool (on the basis of zirconium fluoride compounds). Production of experimental batches. Issuing the data for setting up experimental production. The technology is protected by RF patents;
  • processing the hard-facing alloy wastes containing tungsten and cobalt carbides, as well as special magnet production wastes incorporating rare earth elements. Process regulations are available. The technology of hard-alloy processing is protected by RF patents;
  • development and implementation of solvent technologies for separation of close in properties metals as applied to loparite, perovskite, pyrochlor, and columbite-tantalite concentrates and technogenic products containing rare and non-ferrous metals. Methods of waste purification from radionuclides and their concentration. Testing at extraction cascades simulating a continuous process. Production of high-purity niobium and tantalum compounds;
  • purification of effluents by using sorptional and floto-extractional, flotational and other methods from radionuclides, alkali-earth, non-ferrous heavy metals and organic impurities. Regulations for installation and other materials available.

Leading researchers:

  • Gerasimova L.G., D.Sc.(Engineering)
  • Kunshina G.B., Ph.D.(Engineering)
  • Tikhomirova E.L., Ph.D. (Engineering)


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