23.03.2025. Научный сотрудник Института химии получил государственный жилищный сертификат. >>
Адрес: 184209, Мурманская обл., г. Апатиты, ул.Академгородок, д. 26а.
Тел.: (81555) 79-549, 75-295.
Факс: (81555) 61-658, 76-425.
Эл. почта: chemi-office@ksc.ru
to the site of the I.V. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kola Science Center
On our website you will find the information about the Institute activities and its history, about the research team, postgraduate study, integration with universities, about projects, grants, and international cooperation. You can contact us at the pointed addresses.
Address: ICT KSC RAS, Akademgorodok, 26a, Apatity, Murmansk Region, Russia, 184209.
E-mail: chemi-office@ksc.ru
Tel.: (81555) 61-549.
Fax: (81555) 61-658.
E-mail: i.tananaev@ksc.ru