Tananaev Institute of Chemistry - Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre

«Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences»

Science Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences


Laboratory of rare metal metallurgy (№ 26)

Head of laboratory: Kolosov Valery Nikolaevich, Dr.Sc. (Engineering)

Tel: (81555) 79-442

E-mail: v.kolosov@ksc.ru


Number of the staff: 15 (including 5 research associates, 2 doctors and 3 candidate of sciences).

Directions of research:

  • development of scientific basis for technologies of highly pure tantalum- and niobium-based materials for electronic engineering;

  • manufacturing methods for the production of fine-grained tantalum and niobium powders and compounds by metallothermic reduction from their compounds;

  • production of high-purity tantalum, niobium and other refractory metals by vacuum metallurgy;

  • studying of  the regularities of fine-grained tantalum and niobium powder sintering;

  • technological patterns designing for the production of advanced tantalum- and niobium-based materials for electrolytic

    capacitor anodes.

New technologies and materials:

  • a technology of tantalum and niobium production by electrolysis of oxofluoride melts;

  • a technology and a model shop for production of tantalum capacitor sodium-thermal powders with a specific charge of up to 70000 mFV/g (a pilot plant has been built);

  • a technology and a model shop for production of agglomerated capacitor tantalum powders  with a specific charge  of  up to 8000 mFV/g;

  • an efficient process  of tantalum, niobium, and vanadium powder production from compact metal involving hydration-dehydration with hydrogen in a closed cycle (indus- trially adopted for niobium powder production);

  • a technology of electrolytic superconducting Nb3Sn coatings;

  • a method of high-frequency sintering of voluminous-porous capacitor anodes enhancing  both their specific charge and quality is commercially adopted for capacitor production;

  • a commercialized technology of pyrophoric sodium-thermic zirconium powder.

Unique equipment and plants. The vacuum-thermal equipment available in the laboratory includes:

  • a laboratory furnace for electron-beam melting of metals;
  • a plant for thermal treatment in ultrahigh vacuum (up to 10-10torr) at 2000-2300оC;
  • plants for sodium-thermic and magnesium-thermic reduction;
  • instruments for determining electric parameters of capacitor anodes.

Leading researchers:

  • Orlov V.M., Dr.Sc. (Engineering)
  • Prokhorova T.Yu., Ph.D. (Engineering)
  • Miroshnichenko M.N., Ph.D.(Engineering),
  • Kryzhanov M.V., Ph.D.(Engineering).


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