Tananaev Institute of Chemistry - Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre

«Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences»

Science Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences


Department of silicate materials technology

Head of laboratory: Kalinkin A.M., Dr.(Chem)

Tel: (81555) 79-523

Fax: (81555) 79-158

E-mail: a.kalinkin@ksc.ru


Number of the staff: 14 (including 8 research associates 1 doctor and 6 candidates of science)

Directions of research:

  • development of physicochemical basic principals for the processes of obtaining inorganic silicate materials based on crude minerals;
  • development of technologies for utilization of mining waste in construction and technical materials such as ceramics, glass, glass-crystalline materials, foam silicates, composite cements, geopolymeric materials, filling aggregates and fillers, reagents for water purification from heavy metals and remediation of natural anthropogenic objects;
  • use of mechanochemical methods for improvement of processing degree of mineral technogenic and natural raw materials and perfection the techniques for obtaining binders, including geopolymeric materials;
  • search for occurrences of natural stone raw materials of the Kola Peninsula for needs of the construction industry;
  • study of the durability of natural stone materials;
  • preparation of various purposes refractories from natural and technogenic raw materials of the Kola Peninsula.

New materials and technologies:

  • a technique for durability assessment of new types of facing stone of the Kola Peninsula;
  • technological regimes of the Kola facing stone treatment at the stone processing enterprises of the Murmansk region;
  • nonfired binder based on mechanically activated composition, including natural calcium sulfate dihydrate and nepheline-containing additive;
  • mechanoactivated composite binder based on portland cement and mineral additives such as baddeleyite, nepheline and titanomagnetite concentrates, magnesian-iron slag, quartz containing iron ore beneficiation waste, including those suitable for protection against γ-radiation;
  • activation method of the geopolymeric binder based on magnesian-ferruginous slag by its mechanical treatment in the carbon dioxide atmosphere;
  • mechanoactivated in the carbon dioxide atmosphere composite geopolymeric binders based on magnesian-ferruginous slag and nepheline-containing waste without the use of an additional alkaline activator;
  • multicolored decorative glass and glass-crystalline materials from mining waste;
  • ceramic mixtures for the manufacture of structural material with increased resistance to chemical and abrasive wear and for wall materials preparation;
  • foamed heat insulation material from waste products of iron, mica, apatite-nepheline ores and glass waste processing;
  • granulated and block heat-insulating foam silicates from products of acid processing of apatite-nepheline and eudialyte ores obtained by low-temperature synthesis;
  • magnesium fertilizer - ameliorant from mining waste for the rehabilitation of defoliation forests in the zones of technogenic impact;
  • environmentally-friendly reagent based on serpentine minerals for acidity reduction and heavy metals immobilization;
  • heat resistant refractory materials based on magnesian-silicate (olivinite, dunite, primary chromite ore waste) and aluminosilicate (kyanite ore and concentrate) raw materials of the Kola Peninsula.
  • forsterite-containing (forsterite graphite and forsterite- silicon carbide) and mullite-containing (mullite-graphite, mullite-cordierite-graphite, mullite-silicon carbide and mullite-cordierite) refractories with a heat resistance of 30 to 50 thermal cycling (1300°C, water);
  • production technology of dense and heat-insulating materials based on carbide pellets of kyanite ore. 


  • superheavy concretes using new types of materials developed in the Laboratory of Mineral Raw Materials and Silicates Synthesis were put into use in the construction of the South Ukrainian and Smolensk Atomic Power Stations;
  • at the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine cementing and slag fillers for general construction purposes were put into practice;
  • in cooperation with the Mining Institute of the KSC RAS there were developed and introduced the filling mixtures compositions for the Pechenganikel Combine and other enterprises of the Murmansk region;
  • the technology for obtaining glazed concrete was used at the Murmansk house-building combine;
  • technological regimes for stone processing developed with the assistance of the Laboratory of Mineral Raw Materials and Silicates Synthesis have been used at the 4 stone processing enterprises of the Murmansk region;
  • there was developed the technology of arbolite production on the basis of mineral binders and light wood waste of local woodworking enterprises;
  • there was developed the technology for the production of bricks, tiles and decorative products using low-melting clays of the Kola Peninsula and wastes of ore processing; - there were obtained decorative glazed coatings from local mineral raw materials ;

Leading researchers:

  • Gurevich B.I., Ph.D. (Engineering)
  • Kalinkina E.V., Ph.D. (Engineering)
  • Kremenetskaya I.P., Ph.D. (Engineering)
  • Lashchuk V.V., Ph.D. (Engineering)
  • Belogurova O.A., Ph.D. (Engineering)
  • Suvorova O.V., Ph.D. (Engineering)
  • Manakova N.K., Ph.D. (Engineering)
  • Slukukowskya M.V. Ph.D.(Biol.)
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